Thursday, August 14, 2014

Day 2 - Reprogramming

Today is the only day the kids dad had off so while the older two were in school, we took the baby to go run errands.  Took us forever to get out so what was supposed to be a Staples run ended up being a Dollar Tree run instead.  I love the place. They have so much and if you go to different locations, the selection changes slightly. I found the most adorable little dustpan and hand brooms at the one we went to... as well as a few other goodies... the older two kids now have dust pans to help sweep up some messes!

I had also bought them both scrubbers for the floor and dishes and little dusters with removable covers I can wash and they each got little baskets to carry all their supplies in. I'm so looking forward to cleaning with my little helpers!

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